Saturday, June 4, 2016

Hey everyone,

Welcome to my mess of a mind! This is where I will post anything to do about everything! It will be a creative mess but much fun for myself! A little background on myself. I am twenty-two, I am married and have a beautiful daughter who will be six soon! I am a CNA and I love to just have fun! I love to be creative and eat (just like any other person). 

Now why would you want to read this mess?
For lots of reasons! For starters I will be doing reviews on Make-Up! Now who doesn't love to hear what people thinks about other Make-Up and if it is worth the price or not! It saves you money and you will possibly see me either looking amazing or like a dang fool! 
Next reason is DIY projects! I am a very DIY and cheap person, so you will also get to see my success and fails with this as well! Hopefully it will be more success then fails but hey we will see!
Another reason is Food! Who doesn't love food and amazing simple recipes that take no time at all and is super yummy? This Girl!! I love easy and yummy so this is where I will post my loves for them here as well! 
I will Post so much more then this but these are my main topics! So if you love any of the following then this is where you need to be!

Well that's all I have to say for now! I hop you enjoy this and will have fun on this silly but super fun adventure with me! I am excited to share these moments of my life with you! I am just a normal girl trying to share moments with you and hopefully you share some back with me! 


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