Monday, August 29, 2016

Apple Cinnamon Crisp Smoothie

Hey everyone! How is your Monday going? Okay so I wanted to do something a little different here lately. When I first started my blog I wanted to do a "Fat Girl Friday" post with super yummy foods! Well as time went by I was more into make up and completely forgot about my food part! Since I am on this new health kick (for how ever long I decide to try it this time lol) I wanted to share a recipe that was healthy and really yummy!

Apple Cinnamon Crisp Smoothie!

Who doesn't love anything with apple and cinnamon. With fall around the corner and I figured since everyone will soon be on the pumpkin craze (I myself will be as well) that I needed to make something for the ani-pumpkin people that was really yummy! I wanted to make it healthy though so here we go!

You will need the following:
1 Green Apple
1 1/2 cups of Silk soy milk (vanilla)
1/4 cup of Quacker Oats
3 dashes of Cinnamon 
Ice (Cartoon Character cup sized)

Cup to put smoothie in

Okay so this is SOO easy to make and really yummy. This is for more of a thicker type of smoothie. I like mine thick, if you perfer a thinner one then add some more soy milk to it. 

Peel and cut up the apple into small pieces, place into blender and dash on the cinnamon.

Add a character cup full of ice into it (these cups are like .88 at Walmart. My daughter has a horrible habit of chewing on them though.)

Add your Oats!

Then pour on the milk and blend!

Pour into a glass and rink it down!

See how easy this was?!?! Super easy and really yummy! I am on a smoothie kick though so be prepared to see lots more of these bad boys coming onto this blog! 


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